Calendar of the academic year 2023/2024

First semester:

  • Classes: 23/09/2024 - 10/01/2025

Second semester:

  • Classes: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025
Lectures of the first semester

The lectures of the Master programme in Physical Sciences will start on Monday, 23rd September 2024.

The timetable is available on the uplanner website which is fully synchronized with the new University website (lecturers and Syllabus). Always remember to select your own first matriculation year (for technical reasons, the new website only includes information from 2021/2022 on).

Time Schedule of the programme "Collegiale non Residente"

The programme "Collegiale non Residente" consists of courses (3 CFU) which take place at the Collegio Volta and all lectures are scheduled to happen in a time frame of about 10 days. They are scheduled for the second semester

  • Quantum mechanics: facts, puzzles, progress, and possibilities an introduction for physicists and non-physicists [John Sipe]
  • Sciences, diplomacy and policymaking for a sustainable future [Maurizio Bona]