The agreement foresees the participation in a shared Master in Particle and Astroparticle Physics by students of the Université Paris Cité and the University of Pavia, with a first year spent in Pavia and a second year spent in Paris as part of the NPAC (Noyaux Particules Astroparticules Cosmologie) program which can be found at the following link:
In each academic year, up to 8 students will be able to enroll in the first year of the Master at the Physics Department of the University of Pavia to acquire 60 CFU (ECTS) in the form of specialized courses and thesis activities, while up to 8 students will be able to enroll in the second year of the NPAC program at the Physics Department of the Université Paris Cité to acquire 60 CFU (ECTS) in the form of specialist courses and thesis activities. All the courses, both in the first year (in Pavia) and in second year (NPAC in Paris) are taught in English. At the end of NPAC, having obtained 120 CFU (ECTS), students will obtain the “Diplome de Physique Fondamentale et Applications, parcours NPAC" .The recognition of the title of “Dottore in Scienze Fisiche” in Italy will take place following a discussion of the master degree thesis at the University of Pavia.
The lectures of the first year spent in Pavia already exist within the Nuclear Curriculum of the Master Degree in Physics. The lessons of the second year already exist within the NPAC program.
The full details of the courses proposed in the two year Master are available at the following link
Support for Italian students spending the second year in Paris is foreseen within the ERASMUS Studio program. More information can be found at the ERASMUS page of Pavia Physics Department.
Moreover, a dedicated office of the University of Pavia (Centro Assistenza Studenti) is providing assistance to find a housing abroad.