Double Degree in Particle and Astroparticle Physics: programme

Double Degree in Particle and Astroparticle Physics: programme
Particle tracks
  • Students spending the first year in Pavia within the Double Degree agreement must acquire 42 CFU (ects) from lectures and 18 CFU (ects) of internship as detailed in the  first year table below.
  • Students spending the second year in Paris within the Double Degree agreement must acquire 36 CFU (ects) from lectures and 24 CFU (ects) of internship as detailed in the second year table below.
  • The following constraints on the overall choice of the scientific sectors of the lectures must be respected within the two years of the Master: 
    • 48 CFU (ects) must be chosen from the fundamental lectures (sectors FIS/01, FIS/02, FIS/04 and FIS/07), where:
      • at least 6 CFU (ects) and at most 36 CFU (ects) must be chosen from FIS/01 or FIS/07.
      • at least 6 CFU (ects) and at most 36 CFU (ects) must be chosen from FIS/02.
      • at least 6 CFU (ects) and at most 36 CFU (ects) must be chosen from FIS/04.
    • 12 CFU (ects) must be acquired by choosing among the lectures of table 3 below.
    • 12 CFU (ects)  are freely chosen.
    • 3+3 other activities
    • 42 CFU Final exam

The lectures already exist within the Nuclear Curriculum of the Master Degree in Physics and are provided in the English language. Students must acquire 42 CFU (ects) from the lectures listed in the following tables, taking into account the overall constraints illustrated above. 

A 18 CFU (ects) internship is foreseen.

The lectures already exist within the NPAC program and are given in English language only. They are all considered fundamental and correspond to 36 CFU (ects). A 24 CFU (ects) internship is foreseen.